Fall Clean Up | Lawn & Pest Control Xperts

Fall Clean Up

As the fun of summer comes to a close, preparing your yard for winter can be difficult and time-consuming. An integral part of helping your yard survive the harsh winter is a thorough fall clean up. Leaf raking, landscape bed maintenance, and pruning are all important aspects of this.

The lawn, flower beds, trees, and shrubs will all be subject to the cold. Customizable to your requirements, our Xperts will thoroughly prep your lawn and prepare it for the upcoming season addressing whatever areas you’d like.

The Complete Xpert Fall Clean Up Process:

  • Lawn and Yard: All leaves will be removed from grass areas and underneath shrubs and bushes. Adding Xpert Aeration is recommended.
  • Landscape and Flower Beds: Pruning of bushes, shrubs, and trees. Removal of annuals and cutting back of perennials and biennials. De-weeding if necessary.
  • Property: Trees and shrubs pruned. Gutters and roofs cleaned.
  • Additional Xpert recommended service: Lawn care winter application and Xpert pest control.

Lawn Care

Lawn Care

Aeration, Over Seeding, Applications, AND MORE! Your lawn will be the showcase of the neighborhood.

Pest Control

Pest Control

From Ants, Bees, and Mosquitos to Box Elder Bugs, Spiders, and Mice. WE ARE XPERTS AT IT ALL!

Residential Services

Residential Services

See all the lawn and pest control services we offer to Residential customers.

Commercial Services

Commercial Services

We offer a wide range of services to Commercial customers for all your property maintenance needs.