Flea Control
Fleas thrive in damp, grassy areas, including the areas underneath porch steps, along nearby ponds or even in the shade of bushes or trees; raccoons, squirrels, rodents and feral cats carry fleas into the yard. Once fleas are inside, they can live virtually anywhere, including on pets, in carpet and on furniture.
Treating an infestation of fleas immediately is critical to the control of fleas. Our Xperts will also continue to be diligent in watching for fleas to hatch after treating an initial infestation, as this can make a huge difference in eradicating the infestation as well.
The Complete Xpert Flea Control Process:
- Our Xperts will assess outside of property treating areas susceptible to a flea infestation.
- Inside the home, our Xperts will directly treat areas of current flea infestation and provide instructions to ensure complete flea removal.
- Further treatment of crevices and hiding spots for fleas will be treated by our Xperts.
- Additional Xpert recommended service: One of our other pest control services.
Lawn Care
Lawn Care
Aeration, Over Seeding, Applications, AND MORE! Your lawn will be the showcase of the neighborhood.
Pest Control
Pest Control
From Ants, Bees, and Mosquitos to Box Elder Bugs, Spiders, and Mice. WE ARE XPERTS AT IT ALL!
Residential Services
Residential Services
See all the lawn and pest control services we offer to Residential customers.
Commercial Services
Commercial Services
We offer a wide range of services to Commercial customers for all your property maintenance needs.